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Behaviors That Ruin Relationships (Photo Album)


behavior is a way in which a person conducts himself or acts, especially towards other people. And relationship is the way in which two or more people are connected to one another or simply it is just the state of being connected. But there are behaviours of a person that can simply ruin a relationship with another person. We must avoid such behaviours. However sometimes we cannot do much but what we can do is avoid a person with bad behavior.

Below is a list of behaviours that ruin relationships:

Projecting and blaming the other person- sometimes the behavior of a person is such that he starts projecting himself to be what he is not. Eg, such a thing is happening to me because of you. And he also starts blaming the other person involved in a relation with him. This ruins their relationship completely.

Super pessimism- this is another negative behavior of a person when he starts taking everything in a very negative way. He becomes a total pessimist especially towards the other person involved in a relation with him. Ruining their relationship completely.

Power plays- this is a negative behavior when a person simply walks out of a room during a disagreement or organizing other people to support his anger on the person involved in a relation with him. Thus spoiling the relation completely.

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