Weight Loss Tips For Men And Women

• Control Your Diet; this is true that Eat healthy food or meal on preplanned timing. Its matter what you are eating healthy or unhealthy, make your food hygiene.
• Eat Rich Food, Take rich food which contains healthy fats.
• Avoid Harm Food, Leave food which can cause your body.
• Make your exercise fun and enjoyable by choosing any game which you like such as Cricket, Tennis, Running, Swimming etc.
• Take nuts which reduce heart diseases and try to soak in water for different appearance.
• Do Regular exercise minimum for 15 minutes.
• Do stretching exercise which increases mass of your muscles & it will control blood circulation all over the body.
• Sleep at least 7 to 8 hours daily which will avoid you from night snacks and helps to make balance of your diet and it will help in stress.
• Don’t eat food which contains large amount of fat like burgers, fast food, fried food etc.
• Eat green vegetables, fruit & leaf vegetables.
• Drink sufficient water as you can & try to take protein shakes.
• Do meditation for relax in stress and you will feel good for whole day.
• Eat salad with lemon.
• Use green tea in morning.
• Take decaffeinated coffee which is a low amount calorie.
• Before eating, take a fiber-filled apple daily.
• This is best for weight loss berries, Banana, Skim Milk, leafy-stemmed seeds.
• In restraints ask waiter for the healthy food or menu.
• Eat eggs or chicken with chili pepper sauce.
• Don’t use microwave for cooking food, it might that you are eating harmful food.
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