Friday 2 November 2012

How to Stay Healthy and Active at Work

Nowadays, with the increase in competition and workload it has become slightly difficult to stay healthy and fit at work. But a regular and well maintained routine can definitely offer you a healthy body and mind. A healthy worker is highly productive for his organization and by following certain simple ways you can stay happy and active at your workplace.

Best ways to stay healthy

A Balanced and Nutritious Diet- It is often a common mistake amongst people to escape breakfast. One should remember that breakfast is the most essential meal of the day and it is breakfast that helps your body and mind work smoothly throughout the day. It is always preferable to avoid oily and greasy food in your morning meal. The unsaturated fat in the body causes tiredness and lack of energy which hampers the body to work actively throughout the day. Greasy food also makes you feel heavy and drowsy almost throughout the day.

Exercise Regularly- Proper exercise not only makes your body healthy but helps in releasing all stress and tiredness. It allows your body and mind to work smoothly and efficiently. Thus, a balanced diet accompanied with regular exercise is an ideal combination to stay healthy, fit and active at any age.

Take Small Breaks in Between Work- To give productive and useful work, you should take breaks in between. This will give relaxation and will help you in gaining back all your energy. A few simple exercises in between work can also make you work productively. Moreover, you can also indulge in some games like tennis, pool and badminton. This way both your body and mind can be relieved of stress and pressure.

Utilize Your Vacation- This is an extremely beneficial way to drain out all your stress and have a relaxed state of mind. In fact, vacations are considered as the best way to unwind and rejuvenate all your senses. A visit to some exotic destination allows you to unwind and get immersed in the true beauty of the place. This way you can get a healthy mind as well as body.

Avoid Bad Habits Like Smoking- It is a well known fact that cigarettes have a very harmful ingredient called nicotine which causes many harmful diseases .Generally people have cigarettes to release their stress but surprisingly with each cigarette, stress level continuously increases. Non smokers are always at a safer side in terms of stress as compared to smokers. So, the first step to stay healthy and efficient is to quit smoking.

De-Stress Your Mind and Body with Yoga- Mental stress and tensions are always reflected on your skin and yoga is indeed the best way to release all your physical and mental stress. Yoga is in fact greatly beneficial in maintaining both physical and mental health.

Follow these easy tips and enjoy a healthy and peaceful state of mind and body.

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